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Starting out in Private Practice?

Searching the internet to find helpful resources for clients with neurological conditions can be a daunting and seemingly impossible task. When I started my private practice I spent a lot of time searching for and developing tools that would be most helpful in my private practice. I wanted to share some of them with the wider occupational therapy community and to create a forum where we can share ideas and resources to improve our materials and ultimately provide clients with a more efficient and thorough service. 


Many of these resources are available elsewhere online. I just find it helpful to keep them all here so they are easier for me to access! I have posted a combination of my own occupational therapy report templates, as well as widely used and freely available cognitive assessments, upper limb assessments and goal setting tools.


I hope these downloadable occupational therapy resources are helpful to you. They are by no means perfect but they are a good start and I hope to develop them further.


Please leave a comment at the end of the page if you find this helpful or have any feedback. I would love to hear from you.



Functional Outcome Measures 
Modified Barthel Index
Carer Burden Scale 
MOCA Instructions
Goal Setting
Accessible role checklist
Modified interest checklist
Goal setting ladder
Goal setting pyramid
Fatigue Management
Fatigue management model
VAS fatigue 
VAS fatigue record
Upper Limb
Arm Activity Measure (ARMA)
Range of motion chart
Report Templates 
Initial assessment template
Return to work risk assessment
Discharge report template
Abnormal Tone
Combined Ashworth and Tardieu 
Positioning Photos for Hemiplegia
Right hemiplegia
Left hemiplegia
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